Veneers are dental devices that adhere to the front of your teeth and cover up damage or discoloration. They feel just like your natural teeth, but look even better.
Single veneers can be implanted for teeth that are imperfect or not to your liking. Dr. Bashawaty and his team design highly personalized veneers, matching them to the natural contours and color of your prepared teeth.
Each new veneers crafted using porcelain. Not only is porcelain extremely durable and comparable to your natural tooth enamel in strength, it looks nearly identical to the enamel of a tooth as well.
Despite their durability, you can expect your porcelain veneers to last for 10-20 years in total if you care for them well. Once you begin to see wear and tear, visit South Coast Dental for replacements.
Veneers help to create a near-perfect smile, fixing a wide range of cosmetic imperfections simply by laying over them to cover them up. At South Coast Dental, Dr. Bashawaty and his team frequently make veneers to go over:
- Wide gaps between teeth
- Chipped teeth
- Cracked teeth
- Heavy stains and discoloration
- Teeth with unusual shapes
- Short teeth
- Mild misalignment
If your teeth are severely misaligned, or have oral health issues linked to tooth breakage, Dr. Bashawaty may suggest a dental treatment that isn’t purely cosmetic, like crowns or bridges. In any case, he and his team make sure you leave treatment with a bright, attractive, natural-looking smile that you’re happy to display.
Taking care of veneers is simple. In fact, it isn’t very different from maintaining your original teeth. To get your veneers to last for decades at a time, you must:
- Brush them twice daily
- Floss between them
- Use non-abrasive toothpaste
- Limit staining beverages (e.g. coffee, tea, some sodas)
- Use a bite guard if you grind your teeth
The team at South Coast will let you know if you need to take extra steps to care for your new veneers. In the unlikely event that a veneer detaches, call us right away for your next steps.
If your smile has seen better days, call or click to book your consultation for durable dental veneers at South Coast Dental today.